Does United Healthcare covers weight loss surgery? This is one of the first questions I get asked by my patients. The answer to this question is "yes". In most cases surgery is covered under most health plans including those offered through United Healthcare. The coverage varies from plan to plan and is determined by the insurance provider and the state you live in.

If you have certain pre-existing medical conditions, this is one of the main things that will determine your insurance plan. In most cases surgery will not be covered by your insurance unless the doctor states it will be necessary based on your particular condition. It is always best to check with your medical professional. Once you know for sure that it is not medically necessary, your insurance provider should be able to provide you with a list of specialists that do accept their plan.
Another thing that will determine your insurance coverage is your age. Most insurance companies prefer to insure individuals over 65 years old. They feel that they are more likely to need rehabilitation services in the future. Be sure to let your insurance company know if you are currently in the hospital or nursing home and require ongoing medical treatment. If so they may offer you a special rate for your coverage.
Once you find a plan that is acceptable for you and meets your medical needs, you will need to decide on a surgeon. Depending on the type of procedure you want the cost of surgery can vary dramatically. If you are having a moderate amount of surgery such as liposuction or bariatric surgery to reduce weight and reduce risk for heart disease, you can expect your monthly payments to be more than traditional insurance plans. If you have a more extensive surgery such as a gastric bypass or other very invasive procedure, you can expect your payments to be far lower than with a traditional medical plan.
Does United Health Care Cover Weight Loss Surgery? The answer is yes. Their two plans - Advantage and Standard - provide payment options for weight loss surgery. You can get a quote online or by calling their customer service department. Be sure to ask questions about the plans to ensure that you are getting the best price and benefit from a plan that is right for you.
What do the plans offer? The plans come with different levels of coverage. The most basic is the least expensive plan. There are also plans that provide coverage for surgeries that only reduce half of your excess weight. These are typically called the Preferred Provider Network Plan.
I am self employed, what should I do next? If you are self employed you will not be covered by your employer. Your best bet is to look for an individual health insurance plan. This is an individual plan that will allow you to choose which health insurance company you want to do business with. Most of these companies will work with you to find the best rate for you.
What if I change my mind after this surgery? You should always review your insurance plan after any major medical procedure. Insurance companies do not like changes, they much prefer to keep the clients they already have happy. So if you change your mind after your procedure, contact your insurance company right away. They will help you determine whether or not your coverage will change.
Will my insurance company give me a refund for weight loss surgery? Usually you will be able to get a full refund from your weight loss surgery. The reason for this is that the insurance company will usually drop your coverage after you have had your surgery. They figure that you will most likely not be successful in losing the weight you have gained.
How can I be sure I am getting the best price? Insurance prices vary widely from company to company. It is important for you to shop around as much as possible. Don't just go with the cheapest price you find either. You should compare quotes from several different companies and what each company offers in terms of coverage. When you compare quotes, it is also important to remember that some insurance companies offer free consultations to their potential customers.
Does United Health Care Cover Weight Loss Surgery? The answer to this question is yes. Although weight loss surgery can be expensive, it is still a relatively safe procedure. Your health insurance may cover some of the cost, but you may have to shell out a lot more if you want coverage for other procedures such as plastic surgery or other types of medical treatment. It's always best to do your homework before you make any major health insurance purchases.
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